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AG2T Website Update!

Update on Feb. 17 2020

Payment with PayPal and Debit/Credit card is working properly now.

Still working on adding more products and information. Thank you for your patience and support.


We are updating our website to simplify and make it easier to navigate and faster to load. While we are doing this some products may temporarily not be available. Previous account information has also been removed, and will need to be re-entered if you wish to have an account.

There is some problems checking out with credit/debit card now. We will need to work with PayPal to resolve this issue tomorrow when PayPal supports return back to work.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please leave us a comment to let us know what you think!

96 thoughts on “AG2T Website Update!

  1. Nice update to your website, simple & clean!

  2. I had just been to your previous website on 021320. I placed an order for pruners and chives. That website showed that you were processing my order; this morning nothing, I couldn’t find your website. I’m glad to have relocated you. Your new page seems more user frindly. I’ve enjoyed your video with John Koehler. Keep up your good work!
    Plan to order from you again. I live at the tip of south Texas, hot and arid.

  3. Received an error message when trying to pay

  4. Hi Grace,
    I will need to work with PayPal to see how to resolve this problem, tomorrow when they are back to work.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  5. Hi Raul,
    Thank you very much for your support!
    We had been thinking to rebuild our website to make it simpler and more efficient. Did not plan to wipe off the old one … I made a mistake and have been working whole day and night to build this new one. I know gardeners are getting seeds to new growing year…
    Will upload more products and fill up more product information, as well as some more touch on the look.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  6. Hi, Is it possible you can add the name of the seeds in both English and Chinese? It would be easier for me to identify the seeds I like to buy. Thank you. Sue

  7. Chinese names will be carried into order and will cause errors when order is placed.
    I do add Chinese description in each product.

  8. 希望从你那里买些蔬菜种子,
    请问你现在网站里的每个蔬菜名称下的价格$1.99,这 是蔬菜种子的价格,还是每一颗蔬菜的价格?
    如果$1.99 是蔬菜的价格,请问如何在你的网站上买蔬菜种子?


  9. 请问你的网上卖的蔬菜都是有机蔬菜吗?


  10. Hi Regine,
    Thank you for your work in updating the website! There is a lot of work to do. I like your new website. It looks clearer and easier to find information. I also like your old website. Because it contains a lot of detailed information about the product, including how to grow vegetables and instructional videos. They are very helpful. I usually check this information before planting a backyard garden. Thank you! If you can keep the old content and videos of your products on the new website, that will be great! I think that’s helpful.

    By the way, is my old account lost? I have to create a new account, right? I logged into your new website with my email and username, but it didn’t recognize my old password. I cannot change a new password. Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

  11. Hi Junxian,
    More information will be added to new website.
    The videos are still available on our YouTube channel. We are making more soon.
    Right now we are working on building vegetable garden in our farm.
    Thank you very much for your support.

  12. 我们的蔬菜种子都是进口的,主要是中国大陆和台湾的种子。都是非转基因,但是不是有机认证的种子。

  13. 1.99美元时一包种子的价格。每包种子所含有的种子大概数目在产品说明里面有哦。

  14. 如果配上中文和英文的种子名字就太完美了。英文名字看了半天也没确定是否是要买的种子,只有看图片猜测。一点小建议。

  15. 那请问现有的哪个口感和水芹菜最接近呢?麻烦了!

  16. 产品名字里没办法加中文,订单生成的时候会产生乱码,导致订单下不了。

  17. 芹菜和水芹菜其实差别很大。没法接近啊。
    yellow stem是空心的,味道更浓郁,中超市里的中芹一般是空心的。

  18. 你好,我前两天下单了,后来才发现费用扣的是美元,请问你们是在美国发货吗?最近碰到中没边界关闭,快递是否能顺利运过来?

  19. 快递应该没问题的,usps接收了。等等看,到时候送不到我会给你退款或再寄一次的。

  20. Hi this is Nasrin,
    I like in Boston, I want to order some seeds like as water spinach, malaber spinach, cilantro, long been, fuzzy melon and more. How about paying system can you tell me pls? And how many days need to delivery after place the order.


  21. Hi.Do you still have Asian egg plant seed for sell?Do you have finger root for sell?

  22. Aloha from Hawaii. I hope that you are still able to fill seed orders. I need the food. Are you still shipping seed orders?

  23. Hi Regine,

    I really like your videos. Just put an order for the seeds, but haven’t received any confirmation email yet. Want to check with you if the order is accepted. My order number is 1109. I live in Arizona, and how soon I except the lovely seeds?

    Thank you

  24. Hi 您好,我住在罗德岛,能不能请您根据我这里的天气给点建议具体买店里的哪一种种子。下面是我想要的品种:


  25. 你好, 可以寄到加拿大吗?

  26. When will u have bitter melon seed so I can start to order all my seeds?

  27. I enjoyed watching your video with John Kohler. In that video, you recommended Chinese long bean, green bean and lettuce for beginners. Could you tell me specifically which bean varieties? There are quite a wide selection in your store. I need to grow many beans to supply nitrogen for corn and food (eaten raw; I’m raw vegan) this spring/summer. Looks like you’re out of stock for Chinese lettuce, no? Xie Xie! –Martin

  28. 兔妈你好,我刚以游客的身份下了笔订单,订单号是1181 ,只是我想回头去重新确认一下我的收货地址时发现找不到了,不知道你们是否能收到?

  29. 订单已经收到了,会尽快发出去的,谢谢你的支持

  30. Any variety is fine to try. Their growing habit is very similar.
    Long bean is more heat resistant than green bean.
    Chinese lettuce is also called Celtuce. We have it in stock.

  31. Yes I have some. I will post it today.

  32. 加拿大可以的,不过运费统一收10美元哦。usps运一个厚信封到加拿大要收至少11美元。

  33. Your order 1109 was sent out already.
    Thank you very much for you support.

  34. Yes USPS is still taking packages so we are still sending orders.

  35. Yes I do. I will add them right away.

  36. Hi Nasrin,
    You can add items you want to buy in cart and check out per instruction.
    We accept Pay Pal payment, credit/debit card or check payment. You can choose payment method when you check out.

  37. Qin你好!

  38. 你好,



  39. 一般是3~4天

  40. Hi Regine,
    I am a grower in UK. I try to grow celtuce last year. I find a supplier in UK but he only have one variety of seed . It was very good for April sowing but as the temperature and day length increase it become thin and bolting.
    You have 5 different seeds . Are they for different time of the year ?

    Your videos are so informative.

  41. Hi Regine,
    Are all your seeds Non-GMO? Love your videos.
    Thanks in advance.

  42. Do you ship to Canada? I really like your YouTube channel.

  43. 兔妈,我们家想买菜心种子,但是你的网站有太多种菜心种子,我们应该买哪种?怎么选?除了菜心,我们还想买别的种子试试。我们尝试联系你,但你的网站又没有联系方式。晕死。只能留言了,希望你会看到,在这里留下了我们的联系电邮

  44. Would you please tell me if all your seeds are heirloom (can save seeds for next season)? Thanks.

  45. 关注疫情,机缘巧合看到你的视频,一口气看了停不下来,很不错!想买种子,不过在美东北部,想试种下。之后有搜索到你之前种过茉莉花,有无茉莉花苗出售?想一起买。

  46. Can you please recommend a cucumber that will thrive in Texas’s hot weather?

  47. 您那里有韭菜根卖吗 谢谢

  48. 你好,请问有没有蒜苗(也叫蒜苔)的种子出售?还有就是白菜苔的有没有呢?Thanks.

  49. 兔妈你好,
    昨天下的订单,一直没有收到Email 确认。所以留言问你,是不是没收到,没有回我。今天发现确认Email 在Junk 里面。
    我在Maryland ,大概几天能收到。谢谢!

  50. Hi Regine,

    Just wondering if you have any tomato seeds. I didn’t find it on the website. Thanks.

  51. 您好,

  52. can I order some fresh produce?

  53. 你好,我今天刚下单了 #1545。我想请问还能再加两个么?Long Bean Hanging Noodles和Luffa Early Beauty。另外不知道能不能把Egg plant Ping Tung换成Egg plant Bride。我知道我应该考虑好再下单,早晨太激动了。如果能改就太好了。谢谢!

  54. Can you add description to the cucumber variety so that we can order according to our local weather.

  55. Yes will do it ASAP.

  56. 真不好意思,我们目前只发货到美国和加拿大。其他国家可能没法过海关。

  57. We don’t have fresh produce yet…

  58. Hi Jasper,
    We don’t have tomato seed for sale right now. Will consider to add in the future. Thank you!

  59. 一般是3~4个工作日。

  60. Cucumber really don’t like hot weather no matter what variety.
    I will run test in the future to see which variety may survive if I shade the plant a little bit.

  61. 茉莉花还真没有唉,那是很多年以前的事了,早就不种了:(

  62. 你发邮件到info@asiangarden2table.com吧

  63. Some of the seed are heirloom, more of them are hybrid.
    We don’t really recommend gardener to collect seed in their garden. Cross pollination will compromise the seed’s quality.

  64. Yes we do!

  65. Yes they are all non-GMO.

  66. No their growing requires similar weather.
    You may grow your celtuce in mid/late summer instead.
    Weather from cold to warm will make a lot of vegetables bolt early.

  67. 白菜苔有的,就是还没整理出来放到网站上。

  68. 现在没有呢,以后有时间种一些。估计要明年了,因为韭菜根要一年才长成。

  69. Hi Regine,

    Found you on Utube…

    Do you ship to Melbourne, Australia? I don’t think it will cost alot to ship. I will pay for postage.

    Please let me know.


  70. Do you have a tracking number for shipment? Thank you.

  71. Hello, I cannot find water spinach (通心菜) on your website, do you carry it? Thanks.

  72. I live just north of Houston TX. I would like to order seeds that I can plant starting now and for the next 3 months. So the plants would need to be good for the soon to come summer heat. It is 50-85 degrees now but will slowly become 75-95 by June-July.
    What do you have that is a good Asian seed for this weather?
    I’m looking forward to buying a cast iron wok too. There are 5 people in my house. Should I get the 13″ or 14″ wok? I cook on gas.
    Thank you so much. I really enjoy your YouTube videos.
    Wes Woods

  73. 你好,刚下单买了一些种子,请问我如何才能看到我已购买成功的产品,谢谢!

  74. 系统应该给你的邮箱发了个确认单。你查看一下呀,看看有没有进了垃圾箱?

  75. there may be problem to go through custom. I would suggest you buy seed locally.

  76. Could you send me email with your order number? I will take a look.
    Thank you.

  77. Water spinach is listed as invasive plant in US so it is illegal to sell it.

  78. You can try Chinese pumpkin, bitter melon, luffa, winter melon, fuzzy melon, Amaranth, Malabar spinach, sweet potato shoots, long bean, egg plant, (Chinese) pepper, okra
    If you are using the wok on indoor stove, 13″ is enough. The power of your stove is the limit. If your stove is not powerful enough, big wok will just slow down the heat transferring.
    Thank you.

  79. 您好,确认单有,但是没有包裹运单,就是tracking number

  80. Regine, I placed order on 4/6/2020, the order number is 2191 ( $99.41), I did not receive email , wondering did this order go through? Thanks.

  81. Hi Xia,
    This order is canceled because the payment did not go through.

  82. Regine, I just placed another order but used wrong payment method, can you help cancel it again? I will place another one pay with credit card. thanks.

  83. OK I Will cancel the first order.

  84. Love it!!! Got mine today and after seasoned ceremony we made fried rice with it. It was super duper delicious smokey flavor like an old wok Chinese restaurant. We didn’t actually use many important ingredients, simply 2 eggs, canola oil, cooked rice, seasoned salt that’s all. But high heat and this wok does a miracle. Can’t wait to make penang style char kwetiaw or every stir fry of veggies tomorrow. The down side is why my wood handle don’t have asiangarden2table on it? That’s like me getting a bnb non real stuff hikksss… I am already bragging that I own your famous wok to a lot of people.

    The other good stuff is the seeds arrived with my wok is plenty extra. Thanks for your generosity.

  85. 请问每包里大概有几棵种子?例如:黄瓜种1.99一包,里面有几棵种子?只有一粒吗?

  86. 20~30粒。

  87. Would you please tell me if Luffa Tender White is hybrid ? Thanks.

  88. Yes it is hybrid.

  89. I love your 13” cast iron wok with the wide bottom for my electric stove. Can you please make a 14” version with the helper handle that also has the wide bottom? I would buy that in a flash. Thank you!

  90. I ordered Long Bean Sweet White Order # 4394(SKU B063) but what I received are Winter melon snow white and wintermelon spring garden. Please send what I ordered and paid as soon as possible! Thanks.

    Eventure Bernardino

  91. I am sorry for the mistakes. I will send long bean seed to you tomorrow.

  92. 你好,我的订单号是 #4680 ,种子已经收到,不过里面没有我订的茄子种子。现在再寄茄子种子也许晚了吧?我在zone 7。

  93. 真不好意思,落掉了。

  94. 别单独寄了,还要多付邮费。可以退款,也可以留下次再买时一起寄,看你方便吧。

  95. 那我把这个种子的款退回去。不然以后忘了:)谢谢你的理解。

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