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2021 New seeds 新种子更新

Dear customers,

Due to current pandemic situation, it has been much more difficult to get our new seeds together from suppliers and waited much longer to get them on boat. We are really sorry for the delay but we have been working very hard to overcome the difficulties.

Our new shipment is coming in the middle of February. All the out of stock items will all be back on shelf then. We also add a lot of new varieties which I am very excited about. In order to have the seeds ready to sell as soon as they arrive, we got the samples shipped by air and start testing them. Our new videos will be uploaded from now on with new seeds testing status.

Thank you very much for your support, which motivates us to keep going. Our small business has made it through this wobble 2020 and into 2021. Hopefully together we will make 2021 a great harvesting year.

Happy new year and happy gardening.








54 thoughts on “2021 New seeds 新种子更新

  1. Can I order the seed I want first even they are out of stock ecause I worrry when in February it will be run out so fast and I cannot get it.

  2. very nice gardening thank you. i want to buy some seeds.
    please send me you list .

    all the best

  3. 建议您准备点荠菜种子和山药蛋

  4. Thanks! Will be back in mid February to shop! Keep the great work!

  5. We will have plenty so don’t worry 🙂

  6. We will update seed list in the shop in the next couple weeks.

  7. 荠菜不属于蔬菜哦,我得看看能不能进口。

  8. Thank you Weili for your support.

  9. 有没有菊花脑的种子?

  10. 这个没有呢。菊花脑是通过根茎繁殖的吧?

  11. 请问会有韭菜种子吗?

  12. 韭菜有的,下周就到了。

  13. 我想買些絲瓜種子,请问你们什么时候有?

  14. 请问现在没有货的黄瓜、芸豆、乌菜等等的种子什么时候可以买呀?

  15. 请问现在没有货的黄瓜、芸豆、乌菜等种子什么时间可以到呀?

  16. 请问种子什么时候有货?谢谢!

  17. 在办理清关,很快就可以拿到货了。一两天。

  18. 在办理清关,很快就可以拿到货了。一两天。

  19. 在办理清关,很快就可以拿到货了。一两天。

  20. 在办理清关,很快就可以拿到货了。一两天。

  21. when do we get seeds back in stock? All amaranth types are going to be available?

  22. 请问空心菜种子什么时候才有?

  23. We are clearing customs right now. It is not sure but we are expecting the shipment arriving next week.
    Yes all the Amaranth varieties will be available then.

  24. 空心菜不会有的,在美国被列为入侵物种。种植或者出售都是违法的。

  25. 请问种子什么时候有货?谢谢!

  26. 1 Cucumber Charming 有些像波斯黄瓜,应该不是吧?可以进货吗?
    2 Amaranth Pointed Green 的图片像空心菜。是苋菜吗?可以扦插吗?
    3 Malabar spinach 和亚洲店卖的潺菜一样吗?
    4 Pea shoots 会结豆荚吗?
    5 Pumpkin shoots 是爬架还是蔓地?结瓜吗?
    6 有 purslane (马齿苋)籽吗?虽然是野菜,但找不到。在网上订了三次都种不活。花店里卖的 purslane 能食用吗?

  27. when those unavailable seeds will be available? Will it be available in February? Are those seeds from China or your garden?

  28. 亲爱的兔妈,天天刷你的网页都成习惯了,种子怎么还不来啊,我都等到花儿谢了???

  29. 在清关了啊,周五海关没放,周一周二应该有消息了。

  30. New seeds are under custom clearance. We expect them to release early this week.

  31. 在清关呢,这周应该有了。

  32. 波斯黄瓜是水果黄瓜吗? Fruity Cutie就是水果黄瓜。
    malabar spinach就是潺菜
    pea shoots会结豆,但是豆荚长纤维,只能吃里面的豆子。
    pumpkin shoots爬架和蔓地都可以。能结瓜。

  33. Luffa Long Beauty 老了可用丝瓜瓤吗?

  34. 可以的。不过丝瓜从开花到完全成熟需要很长时间。得有耐心哦。

  35. 亲爱的兔妈,种子清完关了吗?

  36. 还没到吗兔妈?再不来很多种子今年种不了了?。

  37. 什么时候更新 还没有到货吗?

  38. 新种子要几号上架?

  39. 请问新种子还没到吗?

  40. Can you let me know when you get seeds? I have been checking your website several times. The seeds are out of stock. Thanks

  41. 新种子还没到吗?

  42. 种子都到货啦?

  43. Hi. Has there been any new updates on when the seeds will be back in stock? Thanks.

  44. 你好,请问现在种子到货了吗?还是我想买的已经被抢空了

  45. 没被抢空。我们的货还在等海关放行,周一二有结果就上架。种子够的,不要急。

  46. Hi Jenny,
    We just need the final release from customs so we can get our new seeds. Expect to hear from customs Monday or Tuesday.

  47. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  48. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  49. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  50. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  51. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  52. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  53. 还在等海关放行。比预期晚了几天,明后天应该有消息了。

  54. We just need the final release from customs so we can get our new seeds. Expect to hear from customs Monday or Tuesday.

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