
Green Bean Purple Beauty

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Pack ~ 25 seeds/每包约25粒。

34 in stock


紫芸豆早熟,蔓生种,株高2.3米左右,花为紫色。豆荚呈长圆形,深紫红色,长 12~ 15厘米,紫芸豆喜凉爽温和的气候,能抗旱、耐寒、耐瘠薄,且抗病。生育期短,产量高。豆荚纤维在两侧,可以很容易拉出,豆荚本身几乎没有纤维,所有不易老化,口感很好,肉质紧致,豆香浓郁。

The early-maturing purple pole bean is a vining plant that grows to about 2.3 meters in height, with purple-colored flowers. The pods are long and oval-shaped, deep purple-red, measuring 12 to 15 centimeters. Purple pole beans thrive in cool and mild climates, exhibiting drought resistance, cold tolerance, and adaptability to poor soil. They are also disease-resistant. The fiber in the pods can be easily pulled from the both sides, and the pods themselves have minimal fiber, making them resistant to aging. They have a great texture, firm flesh, and a rich bean aroma. With a short growth period and high yield, it is a great addition to your vegetable garden. 


Check out our YouTube videos for how to grow vining beans in your garden and using a trellis in your garden, building a two bar EMT conduit trellis, and suggestions for trellising your vining vegetable plants.


Additional information

Weight 14 g