
Chinese Cabbage Jin Napa 56

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Pack ~ 500 seeds/每包约500粒


For beginners: For early spring cropping, cabbage may bolt early due to vernalization


59 in stock


Jin Napa 56 is early maturing Chinese cabbage, suitable for autumn cropping. About 50~60 days from sowing to harvesting. Head is long cylinder shape. Plant is ~47 cm tall, 60cm wide, to form ~40 cm tall head, weighs 2.0~2.5 kg. Plant is upright, with dark green leaves, yellow inner leaves, tight. It resists to bolting and diseases. Very good quality.  Check out our YouTube video for growing Chinese cabbage, as well as other cabbage varieties we offer on this site.  Also known as bắp cải Trung Quốc, repolyo ng Tsino, kubis Cina, Hakusai, กะหล่ำปลีจีน Kah̄l̀ả plī cīn, चीनी गोभी cheenee gobhee.

该品种为秋早熟品种, 生育期5060天。为花心中高桩白麻叶类型,球形近似直筒型株高47厘米左右,球高40厘米左右,开展度60厘米左右,单株重2.02.5kg左右株形直立外叶深绿色,心叶黄色,中肋白色,结球紧实,早熟性强,同时具有较强的冬性,耐抽薹性强。抗病毒病和霜霉病。品质好,商品性状好。

Additional information

Weight 3.7 g