
Celery Seasons Fast

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Pkt is ~1000 seeds/一包约1000粒

51 in stock


Small Chinese celery variety. It grows fast, from sowing to first pick is about 55 days. Plant is compacted with light green leaves and light yellow stems. Crispy and tender with very rich celery flavor. Solid stem with little fiber. Plant is uniformed. It can be harvested from when they are 30 cm tall as small plant. Or let it grow up to ~ 80cm tall for matured plants. This will take about 80 days from sowing to maturity. Check out our YouTube videos for how to start celery seed and how to maintain healthy celery plants in your garden.

小棵芹菜品种,生长速度快,从播种到采收55天左右。 叶色淡绿,叶簇紧凑, 叶柄颜色黄嫩,口味清香脆嫩,肉质脆嫩, 纤维少,实心,耐抽薹 ;植株整齐度高,株高达到30厘米时可采收, 直立, 适应性强。也适宜种植大棵芹菜,种植大棵芹菜从定植至收获80天左右;株高80厘米左右


Additional information

Weight 3 g