
Radish Green Skirt

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Pack ~ 300 seeds/每包约300粒

101 in stock


This radish is semi-upright. It has serrated dark green leaves. Tuber is long cylinder shape with pointed end, 20~30 cm long, 5~10 cm diameter. Smooth skin which is white under soil and green above. White flesh has mild sweetness. It weighs 1~1.5 kg. About 85 days from sowing to harvesting. It has good resistance to diseases and adapts well in different areas. It is tolerate to warm weather, wet conditions, very productive. Tubers are great for soups and stews, leaves can be eaten raw when young, or use more mature leaves for stir fry.  Good for pickling or cooking.

Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on starting vegetables from seed and growing radish in your garden!


Additional information

Weight 6 g