
Quick Choy Fast Green

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Pack ~ 1000 seeds/每包约1000粒

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100 in stock


Hybrid non-heading quick choy. It is tolerant to cold and hot climate. Fast growing. Stem is thick, crispy. Great texture and flavor. It can be harvested from baby green to full size plant. Very productive.  Check out our you tube video for growing quick choy, as well as other quick choy varieties we offer on this site.  Also known as chọn nhanh, mabilis choy, cepat choy, ชอยด่วน (Chxy d̀wn), त्वरित चॉय (tvarit choy).


Temperature chart/温度表

Additional information

Weight 5 g