Long Bean Waterfall


Pack ~ 35 seeds/每包约35粒。

133 in stock


This long bean is early to medium maturing. Plant is vivid. Dark green leaves, purple flowers. Both main and side vines can fruit well. Fruiting heavily at low and middle of the vines, starting from the 3rd/4th leaf. Bean pod is 80~90cm, thick and smooth, shinning green color. Meaty with little fiber, great quality.

Check out our YouTube videos for how to start long bean seeds, how to grow long beans in your garden as well as using a trellis in your garden, building a two bar EMT conduit trellis, and suggestions for trellising your vining vegetable plants.

中早熟品种,生长势强,茎叶深绿色,花紫色,叶片中等。主侧蔓同时结荚,中下部结荚尤为集中,主蔓第3-4节始花,侧蔓第1-2节始花;     2、荚长80-90cm,荚条粗壮,荚形圆条状,荚面光滑,嫩荚油亮,翠绿色,不泛黄,保绿度好,货架期长,中上部荚条基本一致,耐老化,无鼠尾,不鼓籽,纤维极少,肉厚,甜糯,品质佳,商品性好;      3、持续翻花能力强,丰产。耐湿热、抗豇豆锈病、疫病和病毒病。

Additional information

Weight 11 g