
Late Choy Sum – Zeng Cheng


Pack ~ 500 seeds/每包约500粒。

77 in stock


Zeng Cheng Choy Sum is one of the most famous Choy Sum in southern China. It is usually grown in winter and takes longer time to produce flower stalk than other varieties.

Start sowing in Autumn, 60 days later, it will grow flower stalk. Zeng Cheng produces huge flower stalk which could weigh over 1 pound. Its flower stalk is tall and thick which is amazingly juicy and tender with great sweetness. The stem is so thick. It can slice into thin pieces used in stir-frying.  Like other late choy sum, Zeng Cheng can be grown in Spring when it will flower earlier with thinner main stalks but equally many side stalks.

Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on how to start Choy Sum seeds and how to grow Choy Sum in your garden!

增城迟菜心,又名高脚菜心,是广东菜心的一种,由于它为冬天种植和收成的蔬菜,经常时至深冬才上市,比一般菜心要迟,所以称为迟菜心。增城吃菜心素有菜心之王菜品之冠。增城迟菜心生长周期长,皮脆肉软,口感独特,味道鲜甜,深受食客认可。由于一般的菜心一棵不过 50克重,而迟菜心每棵可重达500克,广州人称为“菜树”。上世纪80年代最早卖到广州时,很多市民不认识,以为这菜心很老,是农民吃不动才拿到省城里来卖的,所以都把它叫做“菜树”,也没什么人买。实际上,迟菜心虽然长得又高又大,但菜质却很鲜嫩,吃起来香脆甜爽。菜心胸径较粗的下半部分,可以横着切片炒肉.


Temperature chart/温度表

Additional information

Weight 3.5 g