
Yu Choy Sum Late 120s

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.49.

Pack ~ 1000 seeds/每包约1000粒。

新手注意:早春低温(<12 C)时,种植菜心,可能由于春化作用,导致早抽薹

For beginners: For early spring cropping, under low temperature(<55 F) Choy Sum may bolt early due to vernalization

75 in stock


This variety of Yu Choy Sum bolts later than other varieties. Main stalk is thick and meaty, side stalks are vivid. It can be harvested for longer period than early maturing varieties. Tender, juicy with great flavor. Very productive.  Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on how to start Choy Sum seeds and how to grow Choy Sum in your garden!


Temperature chart/温度表

Additional information

Weight 5 g