
Pepper Sweet Bell

Original price was: $2.69.Current price is: $0.99.

Pack ~ 50 seeds/每包约50粒。


For beginners: Pepper needs some skills and patience to germinate( refer to growing chart). pay attention to temperature and time.

128 in stock


Early maturing bell pepper. It has good resistance to warm weather. Great for outdoor growing. Fruit is 8~10cm tall, 8~9 cm in diameter, 150~200g by weight. Good resistance to diseases. It can fruit 8~12 peppers at once. Plant is large, dark green leaves, vivid grower. It can fruit continually, and is suitable in both northern and southern areas. Fruit is dark green, thick flesh. Very productive.

Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on how to start vegetables from seed for your garden!


具有极强的抗病力,持续结果性好,宜南北方露地栽培 果色深绿,光滑方正,肉厚耐运,货架期长,产量特高。

Additional information

Weight 2.5 g