Luffa White 812


Pkt is ~20 seeds/每包约~20粒

75 in stock


This is a hybrid smooth luffa. Similar to White Jade. It is very early maturing and fruits very early. Plant is vivid with many branches and bear flowers almost at every leaf. It tolerates to hot climate and will continue to fruit as far as climate is proper. Fruit is 30~35 cm long, 5~9 cm diameter. Fine and tender texture, great quality. It has little fiber so even older fruit is edible.

Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on on germinating gourd seeds, and maintaining healthy productive luffa plants in your garden!

本品种为一代杂交,早熟,植株生长强势,分枝多,耐热,耐渍,肉细嫩,纤维极少,全生育期200天左右。座果节位极低,节节有花序,有连续座果能力,株洲地区采收期看可 延至10月底。瓜为短棒形,第一瓜略短,以后逐步加长,一般30-35厘米,直径5-9厘米,肉质细嫩,口感极佳,商品性好,商品瓜不易老化且老瓜也可食用,纤维少。本品种栽培容易,产量特高

Additional information

Weight 5 g