Luffa Long Fragrance


Pkt is ~20 seeds/每包约~20粒

114 in stock


This long smooth luffs is medium maturing, fruiting starts from 9th ~11th leaf. Will fruit continually given proper climate. Fruit is 25~30cm long,3~4.5cm diameter, 250~350g weight. Green skin, white green flesh. Meaty and spongy, fine texture, sweet and fragrant. It is very tolerant to hot, humid and sunny conditions.

Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on on germinating gourd seeds, and maintaining healthy productive luffa plants in your garden!

中熟香丝瓜,第一雌花着生9-11节,连续结瓜能力强;瓜长圆柱形,两端钝圆,纵径25-30cm,横径3-4. 5cm;瓜皮绿色,薄,果肉绿白色,不易褐变;单瓜重250-350g;肉厚有弹性,肉质细,果实香甜。


Additional information

Weight 5 g