

Pack ~ 500 seeds/每包约500粒

28 in stock


Komatsuna or Japanese mustard spinach is a variant of Chinese cabbage. Its leaves are deep green, round, or oval-shaped, with tender and fine texture. The stem and leaf base have a white-green color. Originally from China, Komatsuna was later introduced to Japan, where it became popular before returning to China. It thrives in soil with high organic content, fertility, deep layers, and good water conditions, being resilient to both heat and cold.

Komatsuna is cold-resistant and grows well in cool environments, exhibiting excellent quality and high yield. It has different temperature requirements at various growth stages. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 23-25°C, with slow development below 15°C and poor quality above 30°C. During the seedling stage, it prefers temperatures of 24-26°C, while the temperature for stem and leaf growth slightly decreases to 18-25°C during the day and 8-10°C at night. Growth is poor above 25°C, resulting in lower quality.

Rich in calcium, vitamins A, B, and C, Komatsuna is a vegetable with medicinal properties, offering benefits such as cancer prevention, toothache treatment, and anemia alleviation. It also helps prevent osteoporosis and maintains the health of eyes and skin. Komatsuna can be prepared in various ways, including stir-frying, boiling, and juicing. In Japan, where a healthy green lifestyle is valued, Komatsuna holds an essential place in people’s lives and is referred to as a delicious and healthy leafy vegetable.


小松菜是白菜的一个变种。叶片颜色深绿,呈圆形或卵形,叶子细嫩,菜帮颜色为白绿色。小松菜原产于中国,后被引进日本,并在日本普及,后又传入中国。 其较耐热、耐寒,适合生长在有机质含量高、土壤肥沃、土层深厚、水源条件好的壤土中。小菘菜耐寒,在冷凉的环境条件下生长良好,品质优、产量高。小菘菜在不同的生长发育阶段对温度要求有差异。种子发芽的适温为23~25℃,低于15℃发育缓慢,高于30℃发芽虽快,但芽的质量较差;幼苗期对温度的要求较高,生长适温为24~26℃:茎叶生长期温度比幼苗期略有降低,生长适温白天18~25℃,晚上8~10℃,温度高于25℃生长不良,品质低劣。


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Weight 3.5 g