
Fennel Fragrance

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $0.99.

Pack~500 seed/每包约500粒

32 in stock


This fennel is grown primarily for its bulbous base Fennel is a stocky plant that can grow to 54 cm tall. Plant has 7~9 leaves, short stems and feathery leaves. Bulb weighs 300~400g. It bolts late and has good tolerance to cold and hot climate. 75~120 days from sowing to harvest. Suitable for spring and autumn cropping. This fennel’s young leaves can be consumed as leafy green/herb. The fragrance is not as rich as bunching fennel.

Check out our YouTube videos for gardening tips and a great recipe for using fennel in home made dumplings!


Additional information

Weight 6.5 g