
Bok Choy Summer Winner

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

Pack ~ 500 seeds/每包约500粒

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148 in stock


Hybrid heat tolerant Bok Choy. Usually it is grown for young plants, can also be used to grow matured plant (can be up to 28cm tall). Upright, wide open(30cm), light green leaves with wide and flat white petioles. Grow fast and vivid and can start to harvest after 20 days from sowing in summer. Great resistance to heat, disease.

抗热白梗杂交种,多作菜秧栽培,亦可栽培大棵菜。株型高大(28cm) ,直立、微束腰,开展度大(30cm),叶浅绿,白柄、宽而扁平,生长势强,生长速度快(夏秋菜秧18-20天可收获)。抗热、抗病、高产,单株重可达1kg

Temperature chart/温度表

Additional information

Weight 4 g