Bittermelon Green Fairy


Pack is ~15 seeds/每包约15粒

64 in stock


This bitter melon is early maturing, plant grows vividly and tolerates to hot and humid weather. Fruiting starts from the 9th to 12th leaf. It sets fruits well. Fruit is long cylinder shape, 20~30 cm long, 5~7 cm diameter. Thick flesh is crispy with great flavor.

Bitter Melon, also known as Momordica charantia (M. charantia), karela, balsam pear, or bitter gourd, is a popular plant used for the treating of diabetes-related conditions amongst the indigenous populations of Asia, South America, India, the Caribbean and East Africa. Its fruit has a distinguishing bitter taste, which is more pronounced as it ripens, hence the name bitter melon or bitter gourd. Biochemical and animal model experiments have produced abundant data and hypotheses accounting for the anti-diabetic effect. (cited from NIH).

Check out our YouTube videos for suggestions on how to prepare and germinate bitter melon seeds, and how to prune and maintain bitter melon vines in your garden!


Additional information

Weight 6 g